Would you like to learn how to spar?

This class is for the absolute beginner, to the most advanced students. In this class the beginner will be guided slowly and expertly through the sparring process and advanced students can learn more robust strategies, and level up their game with advanced movement and counter-attacking strategies!
Beginners: Be advised that this is extremely light and controlled sparring, in a supervised and directed setting. In other words, you won't get hurt, but you will learn a lot.
Intermediate and advanced students will be taught all aspects of the game including competition sparring strategies.
If you ever wanted to learn how to spar to defend yourself, and not get hurt, then this class is for you!
All teens and adults are welcome to attend
Select kids are also welcome, but must be authorized by Tai Sifu Neil or Sifu Les
To attend you must have the following equipment:
- 16 ounce gloves
- Mouthpiece
- Shin pads
- Groin cup for males
- Helmets with face shield, our advised, but not mandatory